I became a reader and writer in the Bronx, a borough of New York City, the middle kid between my older sister and younger brother. There were many things I loved about growing up in the Bronx: riding bikes with my friend Wilfredo, eating black and white cookies, playing street games with kids from our apartment building, summer trips to Rockaway Beach, and visiting my father at Engine 90, the firehouse where he worked.

As a firefighter’s kid I enjoyed special privileges, like trying on the gear, climbing into the fire truck, and clanging the big silver bell. It was a special world that my sister and brother and I loved being a part of. My father once helped save a fellow firefighter who was falling through a porch roof at a fire—and a photo of that moment was splashed on the front page of the Daily News, and years later, on the cover of a book!

In my early 20’s, I landed in Massachusetts. After teaching preschool in Boston, then kindergarten and special education in the public schools of Cambridge, MA, I moved to Cape Cod, continuing to write, teach, and read. I am now a K-3 Literacy Coach in the Dennis-Yarmouth school district.

I have two children’s books slated for publication in 2026 and 2027! More on that soon.

Whether you are a reader or a writer, a student or a teacher, my wish for you is that books and writing bring you joy… every day! Thanks for visiting my website.

My father on the cover of a book!