Writing is a solitary craft. But we also need the spark and alchemy of sharing with and learning from others.
I’m right in the middle of a three-week poetry forms class led by poet Georgia Heard. I am learning wonderful techniques that will elevate my writing, but I’m also gaining so much from the energy and insights of the other poets, and the way that Georgia establishes a sense of community. Last week we had poet Marilyn Singer present to us about reversos!
The magic that happens in a supportive creative community is a key to surviving the writing life, and so is sharing time and talents with a generosity of spirit (something Georgia Heard does especially well!). Twyla Tharp writes about this in her amazing book THE CREATIVE HABIT:
“I cannot overstate how much a generous spirit contributes to luck. Look at the luckiest people around you, the ones you envy, the ones who seem to have destiny falling habitually into their laps. What are they doing that singles them out? It isn’t dumb luck if it happens repeatedly. If they’re anything like the fortunate people I know, they’re prepared, they’re always working at their craft, they’re alert, they involve their friends in their work, and they tend to make others feel lucky around them.”
I think this captures the spirit of Poetry Friday, too! Wishing you a happy Friday, a good weekend, and a way to share time and talents with supportive and generous friends.
On Fridays, I love taking Poetry Friday when I can, where writers share their love of all things poetry. This week, Susan hosts the Poetry Friday Roundup today at Soul Blossom Living. Check out the feast of poetry there today!
This is a perfect post and reminder of Tharp’s book. I’m pulling mine off the shelf after I hit send! Have a great Friday and weekend Mary. Thanks for being such a supportive scribe!
Thank you, Aileen! I think I need to reread some sections of this book, too. It’s evergreen!
It sounds like very good advice, Mary, & the book is new to me. I’ll see if I can find it! I’ve been at Highlights with Georgia & Rebecca two times now, a marvelous & inspirational time always!
Georgia’s workshops are so inspiring! Thank you for generously sharing this quote from Twyla Tharp’s book. I’m adding it to my TBR list.
What a wonderful quote from Twyla Tharp! I have copied that one into my writer’s notebook. Thanks for sharing that.
Thanks for the wonderful quote! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com
I took a couple of classes with Georgia Heard years ago, but I still remember the energy and community. And yes Poetry Friday is a lot like that. Thanks for sharing the Twyla Tharp book and quote.
It does, indeed, capture the spirit of Poetry Friday! I haven’t been around much lately—I’m not sure we’ve “met” in the blogosphere—but I appreciated your post this week, Mary, and will be searching my library for a copy of the Twyla Tharp book.